Research on Scholars at risk and scholars at risk programs

Within the Academics Facing Autocracy program of the CEU Democracy Institute’s “Democracy in History” workgroup, supported by the Open Society University Network, our research team – consisting of Agnes Katalin Kelemen, Michael Kozakowski, Rafael Labanino, Eren Paydas and Maksym Snihyr – examines the experience of scholars at risk (displaced ones as well as of those threatened by war or oppression in their home countries) and of managers and administrators of scholars at risk programs or similar initiatives to support endangered academics.

We aim to assess the strengths and weaknesses of scholars at risk programs. We try to understand to what extent existing  support structures are able to help scholars displaced from their academic communities or threatened within their country to sustain academic careers and activity in higher education. 

If you consider yourself a threatened academic or a scholar at risk, please fill our survey. We also appreciate if you distribute information on our research and send the link to such scholars in your networks.

If you work for a scholars at risk program or similar support structure, please fill our other survey. We also appreciate if you distribute information on our research and send the link to such persons in your networks.

Both surveys are open until January 15, 2024.

The beginning of each survey directs respondents to this post to read the below Information Sheet and Consent Form.

Information Sheet & Consent Form about Participation in Survey Research on European Support Schemes for  Scholars at Risk

You are invited to participate in a study that is conducted by Central European University’s Democracy Institute (Budapest) The study has received funding from the Open Society University Network under budget code  O/OSU/DOCRS/82903.B.4)

Study title: Assessing Scholars at Risk Programs within the “ACADEMICS FACING AUTOCRACY 2.0: TURNING “SCHOLARS AT RISK” PROGRAMS INTO A SUSTAINABLE ALTERNATIVE research program

Purpose, usefulness, and benefits of participating in the Study: The purpose of this research is to allow us to better understand the strengths and weak points of support structures set up within Europe for the sake of scholars at risk.  There are no direct benefits from participating in the study. However, the outcomes of the study seek to inform academics and stakeholders in the higher education sector about how support programs could be improved and sustained.

Requirements: You consider yourself an academic (you are part of a doctoral or post/doctoral program  or you are either short-term or permanent employee of an academic research institute or university or an independent researcher) threatened or displaced by one of the following

  • autocracy,
  • persecution or fear thereof,
  • authoritarian attacks against academic freedom
  • war

who participated in one or more programs set up to help scholars at risk.

OR you work or volunteer as an administrator or manager to operate a scholars at risk program/a support scheme meant to help threatened scholars and this program is based in Europe (not necessarily your supportees).

Procedure: This sheet gives you information to help you decide if you want to participate in our research or not. If you choose to participate in the study, you will find questions regarding your experience and expectations towards support schemes meant to help threatened and displaced scholars.  Different surveys are meant for managers/administrators and for (aspiring) participants of such programs.  In the survey, you will be asked whether you are willing to elaborate more on your experience and opinion about such programs in an individual (online) interview, you will only be contacted for an interview if your answer to this question is yes. In this case interviews may last up to 30 minutes. It is also your right to answer the survey questions but saying no to the interview request. You will also be asked whether you wish to be informed in the future about the output of this research, such as conference papers or journal articles.

Your email address will only be used for contacting you if you say you are willing to give an interview and/or want to be informed about research output. Your email address will be stored for five years after the completion of the research. Note that it is also your right to withdraw your consent to participate in this research by communicating your withdrawal of consent in an email to Agnes Katalin Kelemen at In such case your survey answers and interview will be deleted.

Potential Risks: There are no risks associated with participation in the interview thanks to anonymity and confidential treatment of responses by the researchers. However, if you prefer not to answer certain interview questions, you are free to skip any question, and you can stop the interview at any time.

Your rights as a participant: Participation in this study is completely voluntary and you may withdraw at any time during the study without giving any reason.

Data storage and protection: In this study, we will record your specific data (name, age, sex, profession, and views on scholars-at-risk programs). These data are confidential. We use a number code to identify the data. The data will not be directly linked to your name or any other identifying information. Information about your identity is kept strictly separate from the code and data. Any information that may directly or indirectly identify you in the interview transcripts will be deleted. Any published materials will not contain your name or any other personal information. We take secure storage of the collected data very seriously. All data will be encrypted and stored on a password protected computer. The recorded data are accessible only to the lead researchers of the study (Balazs Trencsenyi, Renata Uitz) and those to whom they explicitly grant access rights (researchers within the Academics Facing Autocracy research program). We will destroy consent forms, surveys and interview transcripts five years after the project completion. Please see Central European University’s Data Protection Policy at

Questions: Please feel free to ask further questions about the study. It is important to us that you have received all the information you need in order to decide whether or not to participate in this study. If you would like to participate, please click yes below.

Contact and further information:

For further information, please contact: Agnes Katalin Kelemen, CEU–Democracy Institute,

Name of lead researchers: Renata Uitz, Balazs Trencsenyi

  In the beginning of the survey you are asked to confirm that  you have read and understood the Information Sheet for the above described study and you understand that your participation is voluntary and that you are free to withdraw at any time without giving a reason and that you have been informed about data storage and protection and understand that your data is confidential. And you agree to participate in this study Otherwise you cannot fill the survey.    

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